Regular follow up action on the analysis of teachers’ self-appraisal may be undertaken along with students’ views on teachers’ performance in the class and outside the class at the end of the session so as to drive home the concept and practice of academic accountability among all. This may be initially started with the outgoing Post-Graduate students.
NCC, NSS, St John’s Ambulance, Rovers units be given additional resources and avenues to extend their outreach activities to needy sections of society and get more socially concerned and involved.
Release of UGC assistance for its UG & PG departments be more expeditiously pursued and fully utilized to make full use of the schemes on the offer. Regular and timely utilization of its funds could be an additional help to the institution.
Post Graduate Departments may seek greater financial help from the UGC and other national funding agencies for major and minor research projects in their respective areas of academic and social interest. There is apparent need to provide more faculty improvement avenues.
Institutional incentives be introduced for participation in seminars, academic workshops, writing and publication of papers in journals and visits abroad for greater exposure of the academic community.
Teaching methods be technology enabled so as to extend their reach and to make teaching more interesting, effective and interactive. Greater use of OHPs, multimedia, cassettes, video packages etc may be encouraged to make the lectures more interesting.
Discussion on human rights, women empowerment, social issues, contemporary concerns should be more frequently held in the changing world scenario.