Criterion – II – Teaching Learning and Evaluation
Following an admission policy to promote higher education for all in the backward eastern region of Uttar Pradesh and to bring all its students to the academic mainstream the college promotes student-teacher interaction and communication for better teaching learning possibilities. This includes classroom guidance, interaction, feedback and monitoring of students progress. The college offers classroom teaching for 137 days. The management of the college, under the state government rules, cannot recruit teachers which is done for the sanctioned posts by the state higher education commission as per procedures laid down by the university, the state government and as per qualifications specified by the UGC. At present there are one hundred and twenty four permanent, twenty seven temporary and fifty part-time teachers in the college. Out of these two hundred and one teachers forty-four are lady teachers. The college is empowered to make temporary appointments as per its contingent needs. But part-time appointments are made by the Management and the Principal under the self-financing courses so as to overcome contingent shortages and also ensure that the regular teaching does not suffer. The college has a large number of part-time teachers as well so as to meet such contingent needs of large enrolments in different subjects in the absence of regular teachers who are not allowed to be recruited as per state government rules and resource crunch.
The library, which is the hub of academic consultation and study, remains open for 247 days in a year and has a nine-hour daily working schedule. It has a stock of 153236 books and subscribes to more than sixty magazines and journals for the benefit of its teachers and students. Some times more than a thousand books are issued to students in a day. Each student is entitled to draw four books for a period of fifteen days. Almost all the Post-Graduate departments and the departments of Law and Education have their own departmental libraries which have good collections acquired over a period of time while at the same time most of their books which are of regular use to the students are kept in the main library yet these subjects require greater financial allocations for procurement of more recent titles. During the last year 6311 books were added at their total cost of Rupees 17,63,070/-. This could be possible through the assistance received from the UGC and the allocation made by the college for this..