Criterion – III- Research, Consultancy and Extension
Though the prime aim of the college is to cater to the specific classroom teaching at the Undergraduate and Post-Graduate levels yet there is enough interest available in guiding research among its faculty through enrollment for Ph.D, but the faculty has not shown regular keen interest in attending many seminars, workshops and presentation of its papers in these. Similarly there is no institutional consultancy or research activity initiated by a majority of the teachers as such because of lack of interest, resources and support system. All the same the teachers are encouraged to undertake research or undertake higher education without any heavy financial liability on the institution.
Six minor research projects worth Rs 6,79,865/-, Rs 8,24,4000/-and Rs 90290/- have been successfully completed by the faculty in the departments of Botany, Psychology and Military Science in the recent past registering their modest contribution in research application. The college had also received a grant of Rs 9,25,000/- for mushroom spawn cultivation in the year 1997 under its department of Botany. However research effort may be better if greater support is sought from the national funding agencies such as the UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, DST, DOE etc for which suitable encouragement and information may be provided.
With an impressive complement of Ph.D holders in almost all the subjects, quality of research and teaching could be further ensured.
The teachers have involved the students in NSS, NCC, St John’s Ambulance, Rangers and Rovers activities which have commendable social extension and outreach implications such as of spreading the message of service, health and hygiene, elimination of gender bias, AIDS awareness, blood donation, human values etc. The achievements of the college in these are noteworthy. These have also given the college a sense of social participation, recognition, responsibility and discipline.